Political construction of curricular reforms: The case of Chile in the nineties


  • Cristián Cox Ministerio de Educación de Chile

Palabras clave:

Educational politics, curricular reformations, curricular design, professional participation, secondary education


The author is an expert implied in the process of curricular design lived in Chile from the promulgation of the LOCE in 1990. The article, being Based on this experience, the article describes with detail this process. It shows the keys, circumstances and moments of the construction process and development of a curricular reformation. She gives bill of the processes and contexts that intervene in it. It points out that she has a process of political construction. But they are not only due to this type of decisions (like ideological and social mark of decisions and power). The reflexive processes that accompany the taking of decisions and the generated action courses are important. As well as it is it the history. Even the curricular limits and the pressures toward the change that they are given globally can influence enough. This way sample like in Chile, in spite of leaving of an educational politics in which the curriculum idea had not entered, this begins to emerge she conforms to she goes building its practical and curricular development.
Of all the lessons learned in the process it highlights that they are component key of the process the participation and the innovation. She argues that there are substantives and political reasons for it. The first one is key so that the faculty appropriates of the reformation proposal and he makes it possible. Lastly, it highlights that she takes place a development of the institutional capacities of design and curricular development in the measure that they start and they accumulate processes of this type.

Biografía del autor/a

Cristián Cox , Ministerio de Educación de Chile

Sociólogo e Investigador asociado de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), director del Centro para la Educación de la Universidad Católica de Santiago de Chile. Asesor del Ministro de Educación de Chile y Coordinador Nacional del Programa de Mejoramiento de la Calidad y Equidad de la Educación (MECE). Coordinador de la Unidad de Currículum y Evaluación (MINEDUC) del Ministerio de Educación. Responsable del diseño y ejecución de políticas educativas por tres gobiernos en su país (1990-2006). Experto Internacional del Banco Mundial y de la UNESCO, en el diseño y la ejecución de programas de reforma de la educación media, evaluación de sistemas de formación de profesores y reformas curriculares de sistemas escolares, en política Educativa en América latina y el Caribe. Autor de múltiples trabajos de impacto internacional, entre los que destacamos su libro titulado Políticas educacionales en el cambio de siglo. La reforma del sistema escolar en Chile (Editorial Universitaria). O los informes números 3 y 8 de la Serie de Políticas Sociales de la CEPAL, sobre Las políticas de los años 90 para el sistema escolar y el de Calidad y equidad de la educación media en Chile: rezagos estructurales y criterios emergentes


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