The rural school as a topic in the study plans for early childhood and primary pre-service teacher training in Spain


  • Pilar Abós Olivares Universidad de Zaragoza


Initial teacher ́s formation, teachers training, curriculum, rural school


The plans of study make concrete the curriculum that has to deal the university student with the
aim to obtain a certain qualifications what, in the current context, it suppose the certification of
which they have acquired a few certain competitions in a field of to be able and of be able to do.
This concretion has between his aims the approximation of the higher education to the social and
professional reality of the contexts, classrooms, schools, environments and territories in case of
the teachers, without forgetting, certainly that besides the education, the investigation is a
fundamental task of the University. From this point of view we have wanted to come closer the
treatment that in newly released plans of study of the Teacher's Degree in Infantile and Primary
Education has the topic of the rural school, across the analysis of the aims and contents of the
different ones at Spanish universities. We have not tried to analyze and to value the personal and
professional profile that sublies in them, but to realize a descriptive study that could use as
warning on if the subject matter that we raise debit or not to shape a substantive part in the
initial formation of the teachers.


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