Relationship between the digital competences of primary school teachers and the educational use of technology in the classroom
Teachers' digital competencies, educational use of technologies, Basic Regular Education.Abstract
This investigation has a quantitative approach and has as principal aim identify the relationship between the Basic Education teachers' digital competencies and the educational use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). With this intention survey was applied to a group of 127 teachers of 6th degree of primary and 5th degree of secondary in 40 schools of nine districts of Lima. From the obtained information, three groups of competencies were identified: basic technological, pedagogic and complex technological, being major the presence of the first ones, followed by the pedagogic competencies and finally, the complex technological competencies. Likewise, there have been identified two types of technological use in the classrooms: personnelprofessional and with the student in the class, being confirmed that in personnel-professional level, the resources most used by the professorship are the processor of texts and Internet, and the use with the students is centred on the organization of the work in the classroom and with fewer frequency on interaction with pupils. Also low correlations exist between the digital competencies of teachers and the frequency of educational use of the technologies in the classrooms, nevertheless there is a major correlation with the complex technological competencies.Downloads
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