Assessing the Learning to Learn competence: a methodological proposal


  • Jesús M. Jornet Meliá Universitat de València
  • Rosario García-Bellido CEU-Universidad “Cardenal Herrera”, Campus Castellón
  • J. González-Such Universitat de València


learning to learn, long life learning, measurement, evaluation, construct validity, standards setting.


This paper presents a procedure for designing tools to evaluate the competence of learning to learn. The sequence of work and the concepts involved has been analyzed. This is a line of work that aims to design assessment instruments related to standards, to assess basic skills in compulsory education and generic or transversal competences in university degree courses (the university system instruments is known as ESCOGE). Reflection on this proposal is illustrated with the theoretical definition for the instruments design to assess the competences in college graduates in Educational Sciences  Area (teachers, scholar counselors, educational psychologists and social educators), providing samples for the useful elements for the study of construct validation evidence based on expert opinion.


