The importance of the conceptions in psychoeducational guidance


  • María Luna Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Elena Martín Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Paraules clau:

conceptions, educational advice, school psychologists, teachers


School psychologists and teachers have to collaborate but this activity seems to be difficult according to what has been shown in different researches. One of the reasons could be the differences in the conceptions or implicit theories of teachers and school psychologists. We studied the implicit theories that teachers and school psychologists show about teaching and learning. Moreover, we tried to know their conceptions about the educational advice itself. According to our results, the school psychologists’ ideas are, in general terms, closer to the constructivism than the teachers’ ones. The school psychologists interviewed have also a more collaborative approach about the educational advice. To know teachers’ and school psychologists’ implicit theories might be useful to improve their training processes.


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