Sustainability and social responsibility strategies at Spanish Universities: an assessment tool


  • David Alba Hidalgo Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Rosa Barbeitos Alcántara Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Mª Teresa Barral Silva Universidad Santiago de Compostela
  • Javier Benayas del Alamo Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Dora Blanco Heras Universidad Santiago de Compostela
  • Xavier Domènech Antúnez Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Isabel Fernández Sánchez Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Anna Florensa i Botines Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Fuensanta García Orones Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche
  • Noelia López Alvarez Universidad Santiago de Compostela
  • Pere Ysern Comas Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Paraules clau:

universities, sustainalility, social responsibility, evaluation, indexes


Since 2007 the group on Sustainability Assessment of the Spanish Rectors’ Conference is working on the definition of a framework for the assessment and benchmarking of environmental and sustainable activities and strategies at Spanish Universities. During 2010 and 2011 it has carried out a study called “Evaluation of sustainability policies and their relation to the International Campus of Excellence program”. The main results from this study have led to the identification of a system of indicators to measure the progress of Spanish Universities in their contribution to sustainability and social responsibility. 31 universities have participated in the study by filling in the initial questionnaire. Moreover, they have all been interviewed by the research team. We can say that, in general, these universities present a good level of environmental awareness, curricular greening programs, and operational actions, mainly related to waste management. 


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