Factors associated with In-service secondary teacher training in Asturias


  • Paula González-Vallinas CPR Avilés. Consejería de Educación
  • David Oterino Universidad de Oviedo
  • José Luis San Fabián Universidad de Oviedo

Paraules clau:

In-service Teacher Training, High School, School Variables, School department


This study pretends to analyse the variable in-service teacher training and to explore the existing relationships between in-service teacher training and teacher and school variables. The present research offers a detailed picture of High School teacher in-service training variables (type of training activity and activity content) and the relationship between this in-service teacher training and teacher and context variables. The analysis levels are departments and schools being departments the level where the relation among variables is more significative. The conclusions are that there exist significative differences between departments and schools concerning in-service teacher training variables. There exists significative correlations among them, schools with a higher socio-economic status have the more experienced teachers and the lower in-service teacher training time in the last ten years. In-service teacher training is recommended to be organized taking into account these differences (context, teacher variables, in- service teacher training variables) among departments, schools and districts to compensate the unequal school variables.


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