The teacher´s inquiring attitude: a process to develop teacher competences
Paraules clau:
Teacher training, professional competence, teacher thinking, reflection on practiceResum
Teacher training is one of the most important aspects of teaching: the quality of education systems can never overcome the excellence of their teacher training.
Since the current process implies continuous changes which are produced by knowledge society, this paper addresses the justification for the proposal of a model based on "practical Knowledge" necessary to develop the teaching competencies of teachers. So, in the present study we tackle not only the justification and description of the process, but also the analysis of relevant literature that supports the proposals that are made.
Based on this, we address the aforementioned process by the inquiry that lets the teacher know: (a) his/her teaching practice, (b) the constructivist orientation of his/her teaching -understanding it as a curricular model that organizes the curricular structure of the process that the teacher has to develop to build knowledge about his/her teaching practice- and (c) the reflection on his/her daily practice, which allows them to check the excellence of their work.
But confirming that there are many deficits related to teacher training and to generate knowledge about this reality are aspects that do not lead -necessarily- to action. This is why we tackle the teacher´s training in professional competencies as a way to allow them to deconstruct their teaching and reconstruct it using their teaching competencies
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