Checklist of cuban meteor-wrongs
Cuba, pseudometeoritesAbstract
This research addresses the prevalent issue of misidentifying terrestrial rocks and man-made materials as meteorites in Cuba, a region with rich geological diversity that complicates such distinctions. The objective is to systematically differentiate true meteorites from pseudometeorites, or “meteor-wrongs”, through an analysis of collected specimens across the island. Employing a multifaceted methodology, including macroscopic examination, basic magnetism testing, density measurement, and advanced analytical techniques like X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM/EDS), this study elucidates the distinguishing features of meteoritic versus non-meteoritic materials. Our findings reveal a predominance of igneous rocks, particularly basalt, and ferrosilicon alloys misidentified as meteorites. This work emphasizes the importance of curatorial documentation and accessibility of problematic specimens for scientific investigation, advocating for a culture of precision and curiosity in geoscientific research.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Yasmani Ceballos, Johanset Orihuela, Carlos Rafael Borges-Sellén
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