
About the Journal

The Journal of the Geological Society of Spain is an open access semiannual publication of the Geological Society of Spain. This journal publishes since 1988 original research contributions in Spanish or English that cover all Earth Science topics, in particular those concerning the Iberian Peninsula and nearby areas, as well as those related to the History of Geology, Geological Heritage, and related topics. Review papers or compilations on specific topics with an up-to-date scientific perspective will also be considered for possible publication in the journal. The submitted manuscripts must be original, i.e., not published (or accepted) in another journal, either in full or in parts and/or in another language. All the papers will be reviewed by a minimum of two referees and by the Editorial Board.

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Current Issue

Vol. 37 No. 2 (2024)

Journal of the Geological Society of Spain (RSGE)

Cover image: Anticline of Cenomanian limestone and marl with the Hermitage of Santa Justa at its core, Costa Quebrada Geopark, Cantabria. Photo courtesy of María Jesús González Cano.

Published: 2024-12-23
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