Signos religiosos, autonomía municipal y derechos fundamentales: comentarios sobre la STC de 14 de febrero de 2013 (prohibición de uso del velo integral)


  • Agustín García Ureta


Religious freedom, muslim veil, prohibition, local authority


The comment analyses the Spanish Supreme Court judgment of 14 February 2013 (appeal 4118/2011) regarding a prohibition on the use of the Muslim veil (burka) adopted by the municipality of Lleida. The Court concluded that since religious freedom was a basic value in the Spanish Constitution (Article 16; Article 9 ECHR) so far not subject to limitations, a ban would have required an Act of the Spanish Parliament and not merely a local regulation. The Court also rejected the allegations submitted by the local authority concerning its general powers to adopt and impose sanctions, and the protection of third parties as a justification for the prohibition.

