Trench propagandists. Deserters from the republican side as agents of socialisation of the insurgent combatants (1936-‍1939)




This article offers an interpretation focused on the impact of the Republican deserters on the socialization of the insurgent combatants and the subsequent acceptance of Franco’s dictatorship. Unlike the Nation-States, not all deserters were sent to prison or concentration camps; those without blood crimes were sent to the front. The contact between the forced recruits of the insurgent side and the escapees may have influenced their perception of the conflict, as they discovered that the realities on both sides of the trenches did not differ significantly. Through the theory of «opinion leaders», deserters, in a seemingly «banal» manner, were able to impact the heterogeneous insurgent troops with their experiences. This study uses the documentation obtained from the insurgent information service, specifically the interrogations, considering the limitations of this source. The text attempts to provide another view of the consolidation of the dictatorship.


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Author Biography

Francisco Jorge Leira-Castiñeira , Grupo de Investigación Histagra-Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Francisco J. Leira Castiñeira. Licenciado en Historia y Máster Interuniversitario de Historia Contemporánea por la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, y Máster en Ciencias Documentales por la Universidade da Coruña. Como investigador obtuvo el Premio de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales Juana de Vega en 2012 y una mención honorífica en el concurso de ensayo George Watt de la ALBA de Nueva York (2012). Es autor, entre varios artículos científicos, del libro La consolidación social del franquismo. La influencia de la guerra en los soldados de Franco, SPUSC, 2014. Es investigador del Grupo HISTAGRA de la USC. Asimismo, es coeditor de la Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar.





