The masked enemies of the Republic

The judges and the «republicanization» of Justice during the Spanish spring of 1936


  • Manuel Álvarez Tardío Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid



This article analyzes the relationship between the working of political system of the Second Spanish Republic and the Justice. It analyzes specifically on the period between the general elections of 1936 and the beginning of the civil war. Various primary archival, newspaper and parliamentary sources are used to describe, contextualize, and analyze the purpose and scope of the idea of ​​republicanization of Justice postulated by the members of the Popular Front electoral coalition, also clarifying the differences that existed among them. In this regard, novel and meaning data are provided on the complexity surrounding the work of the judges in a context of increasing violent conflicts with political motivation. In addition, it is explained the context of debate and public controversies with respect to the behavior of some judges and how this contributed to the presentation and parliamentary defense of a broad and important package of legislative reforms related to the judicial issue.


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