María Rosa Urraca Pastor: from Catholic Action militancy to the Carlist political podium (1900-1936)


  • Antonio Manuel Moral Roncal


Spain, 20th century, politics, women, carlism, catholic feminism


Not a biographical approach exists to one of the Carlist most important leaders in the years 30 in Spain: María Rosa Urraca Pastor. Through this article it is tried to achieve a first approach to their formation like speaker and propagandist in Woman Catholic Action, to their first political experiences during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera that they would be definitive to understand their jump to the first line of the Carlism in the years of the Second Republic. Their process was not only but if it was singular, because most of the Catholic activists formed in AC decanted to support parties conservative possibility. If during the first republican biennium it was part of the group of propagandist more important of the traditionalism, during the second, Fal Conde commended her, also, the organization and impulse of the Feminine Traditionalist Section and Socorro Blanco. It participated in the debats on the definition of the woman’s paper in politics that there were in the Spanish rights of the years 20 and 30, of which could not not even be subtracted the Traditionalist Carlist Communion. 


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