The micro-landscape of the medieval old town of Vitoria-Gasteiz: a small-scale green infrastructure
Micro-landscape, Urban green infrastructure, Historical centre, Green spaces, Vitoria-GasteizAbstract
There are micro-landscapes within the medieval old town of Vitoria-Gasteiz which are beneficial for the city. In the interior open spaces of the transitional blocks of buildings there are gardens, vegetable patches and floral patios that make up the abundant vegetation in the old town. The absence of recognition in the local by-laws as green areas of high environmental value and consequently the difficulty managing them, sometimes leads to the deterioration and even total neglect of this vegetation. This article presents these problems and proposes the development of an ad hoc methodology for the characterisation of the landscape of these open spaces and the identification of their natural and cultural value. Thus, we take note of the environmental benefits and ecosystem services they provide as diffuse node within the network of green infrastructure in the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz.
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