Parceling and cultivation: daily practices of informal urbanism (Bogotá, Colombia)
Informal urbanism, Everyday urbanism, Social practices, Urban agriculture, BogotáAbstract
Despite the implementation of new planning tools and the development of emblematic projects, urban growth outside the institutional framework persists in Colombia. On a global scale, theories and studies around the so-called “informal” and “everyday” urbanism have taken on new strength. Seeking to understand transformations and persistence that shape territories of informal origin in Bogotá, spatial production practices are contrasted with theories. An approach through parceling and cultivation, as an example of the nuances of this production, through stories that show a dynamic and conflictive daily life. Practices that are juxtaposed, are confronted, in an environment of precariousness and social struggle for a place in the city, where human relationships are the element that seems to determine this frequently neglected mode of urbanism.
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