On places historical in Spain


  • Juan López Jaén


The way that a city has been thought up, built and then used shapes the culture of the same. The author thus holds that, theoretically at least, there can be no rift between its proper culture and planning. Of the more than 300 sites considered as being of historical and artistic interest in Spain, little more than a dozen can lay claim to enjoying the benefits of that overall plan or even a project for idem, thah should answer the requirements of the National Heritage Law (Ley de Patrimonio Histórico). These findings as to the present day's unpromising state of affairs with respect to the nation's cultural heritage have lead the author to examining the evolution of that body of legislation touching on this head along with those local responsibilities as to the same in order that he migth lay bare the framework that has made it impossible to prevent the destruction of so much that once was noteworthy. Despite an overall impression of pessimism of this prospect, the reader is encouraged to make out some possible remedies for it, amongst which figure the proper dicovering of the root causes of so many of the failures of so many of the measures undertaken to date to stem the disaster. The measures taken are here set forth clearly, systematically and sequentially.


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How to Cite

López Jaén, J. (1990). On places historical in Spain. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, (85), 57–66. Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/CyTET/article/view/83691