Territorialist landscape plans: analysis of the degree of consistency with the analytical methodology for the identity project of the territory
Piano di Indirizzo Territoriale della Regione Toscana, Piano Paesaggistico Territoriale della Regione Toscana, Analytical methodology, Adaptation, Lansdcape planAbstract
This article aims to assess the degree of consistency between the landscape plans developed by the territorialist school and the analytical methodology for the identity project of the territory. This analytical methodology is grounded on three pillars that are identified in a first section. The structures of Piano di Indirizzo Territoriale della Regione Toscana and of Piano Paesaggistico Territoriale della Regione Puglia, both developed by following the territorialist presumptions, are analysed afterwards. Special attention is paid to convergencies and divergencies between the plans’ sections and the phases in which the analytical methodology is thought to be divided. A synthesis of the comparative analysis of both instruments allows us to make a proposal to systematize the interventions on the landscape adjusted to the territorialist theoretical assumptions.
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