The participation of the private sector in Urban Legislation for England, Netherlands and Spain


  • Demetrio Muñoz Gielen


Reino Unido, Holanda, España, Valencia, cesiones urbanísticas, plusvalía urbanística, derechos y deberes de la propiedad, financiación de infraestructuras, urbanismos comparados, Ley reguladora de la actividad urbanística


The paper poses the question of just how much municipalities can require of market agents (landowners
and developers) for the carrying out and funding of infrastructures and public amenities. Do they have a
claim upon the benefi ts derived from reclassifying or reassessing land or building space? Such questions are
here held to touch upon not only the participation of the private sector in the carrying through of public
initiatives but more so upon the very notion of what the right to land ownership implies, an issue which has
busied Spanish Town and Country Planning thinking at least ever since the Constitution of 1978 in its 47th
article recognized the right of the community affected and through its administrative expressions to take
its share of the benefi ts arising from city planning initiatives. The paper further indicates how this matter
is approached in England the Low Countries and how this is, in each of these cases in point, different.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Gielen, D. (2009). The participation of the private sector in Urban Legislation for England, Netherlands and Spain. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 41(160), 291–301. Retrieved from


