Modernist Arguments Against Negotiation as Within Mexican City Planning Discurse


  • Basilio Verduzco Chávez


Participación ciudadana, modernismo, sociedad civil, planeamiento urbano, gestión de conflictos, México.


The paper reviews the changes in Mexican Town and County Planning during the 20th Century to then
investigate how it is that that thus has been unable to encompass in time the handling of conflicts, negotiation
and the attaining of general agreements in order to meet the demands made upon it or resolve those problems
now being faced by the cities of that country. The paper brings to light three aspects of the overall problem
namely the role played by that universe of discourse focussed on ‘modernization’ that has played such a part
in the education of the professionals in this field, the role of the central government and then the consequences
of what it here seen as the relatively feeble quality of Public Opinion. The paper in itself is grounded on
material culled from planning and other related documents along with the author’s proper experience of the
planning process and the upshot of his reading of these leads him to the conclusion that these three factors
have lead to a lack of citizen participation in the drawing up of planning policy for the cities. The paper
concludes by drawing attention tot the tensions created within the present-day social and cultural world by
this dominating way of focussing the planning question and offers strategies for alternative crisis management
as and the establishing of grounds for negotiation as remedies for answering the calls of city planning demands


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How to Cite

Verduzco Chávez, B. (2005). Modernist Arguments Against Negotiation as Within Mexican City Planning Discurse. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 37(144), 289–303. Retrieved from


