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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article to be sent has not been previously published nor has it been submitted for consideration to any other journal.

  • The submission file is in Open Office, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format, and complies with the formatting standards established in the Guidelines for Authors (for articles: minimum 45,000 and maximum 90,000 characters -including spaces-; between 15 and 22 pages in UNE A-4 format (DIN A4) with 2.5 cm margins, Arial font, body 10, and single line spacing).

  • The Title, Summary and Key Words comply with the Guidelines for Authors, as well as their respective translations into English.
  • Bibliographic references follow those set out in the Guidelines for Authors (APA Format) and, ewhere possible, URLs are provided for references.. If you need to complete the DOI you can use the tool available at: Crossref
  • The images and figures have the required quality, have been inserted in the text in the corresponding approximate place and bear a title and source of provenance. Excel images and tables have been prepared to be sent as separate files.
  • A “blind” file has been prepared in which the author's name and identifying signs have been removed so that they can be sent for anonymous evaluation.
  • The author (s) have an ORCID ® number and username and password for CyTET Ciudad y Territorio Estudios Territoriales.

Author Guidelines


Summary of Author’s Guidelines in English:

a. Languages accepted for submission. In principle, CyTET only publishes papers in Spanish, although it includes Abstracts and Keywords in English. Nevertheless, the Editorial Board can exceptionally accept for evaluation papers written in English or French. Normally, this is the case of monographic issues –eventually open for submission in other languages-. Exceptionally, and only if they have an outstanding quality, the Editorial Board can also accept articles in English or French for a miscellaneous issue. Once evaluated and accepted, the paper will be translated by the Editors, and finally published in Spanish.

b. Originality. The papers submitted for evaluation to CyTET must be original and unpublished works. Plagiarism, salami slicing and self-plagiarism are not acceptable. Authors, by submitting a paper for evaluation, do certify this fact. Papers being evaluated in other Journals do not qualify for being accepted in CyTET. In the case of papers derived from works previously presented in Congresses they cannot be exactly the same in extension nor in contents, and must state this fact in a footnote indicating the name of the Congress, edition and data of celebration. The same apply for papers derived from PHD-Thesis, which should indicate the academic program from which they originate

Submission of a manuscript implies the author's commitment to publish in this journal. If an author submits a manuscript to CyTET, it should not be submitted to another journal; nor should the manuscript repeat information published elsewhere in substantially similar form or with substantially similar content. Authors in doubt about what constitutes prior publication should consult the editors

c. Instructions for submission. Original papers submitted for evaluation should be accompanied by a copy with the contact details removed, for the peer review process. Anything designated as 'supplemental file for review' will also be made available to the reviewers. If you want to include a manuscript file with identifying information, please upload this as 'supplementary file not for review'. The papers should embed figures, illustrations, graphs, etc. in the Word text (it can be in low quality), but all of them must be sent in separate files, in full quality.

Articles will always be sent through the Online Submissions procedure on the journal's website:

The mandatory submission form that the authors must follow for the presentation of the original papers, can be found at the following address:

Contact in case of doubts in the submission process is

d. References.

Please avoid using footnotes wherever possible. However, where their use is unavoidable, please use superscript numbers within the text corresponding with the number of the relevant footnote. Footnotes must be in arial font and fontsize 6.

References in the text should be made in the following ways:

As Scott (1996) points out, this may not be so.

However, this might not be so (Scott, 1996).

(Jones, 1995, 17 & Smith, 1998)

(Jones, 1995; 1997)

For a reference with three or more authors, name only the first with et al. Do not use ‘ibid.’ when referring to the same work twice in succession. The authors must appear in small caps.

You must make sure that all references which appear in the text are given in full in the references section. Where there is more than one reference to the same author for the same year, they should be listed as 1995a, 1995b etc.

The references section should be a continuous alphabetical list. Do not divide the list into different sections (books, reports, newspaper articles etc.). Where there is more than one reference to the same author, that author’s references should appear in chronological order, with references to that author in conjunction with others coming after the last reference to the author alone.

References should follow APA Guidelines: 

e. Figures and tables. All maps, diagrams, charts and photographs should be referred in text as ‘Figures’ (including tables and graphs) and should be numbered in a single sequence in the order in which they are referred to in the paper. To show where in the text you would ideally like figures or tables to appear, please put ‘INSERT FIG. 1 AROUND HERE’ at the appropriate point. All figures should have brief descriptive captions. Figures should be supplied digitally, as TIFF, or JPG files at a resolution of 300dpi and a size appropriate to the page size of the journal. The Graphs and Tables should also be sent in EXCEL or Open Office, and there would be a maximum of 10.

f. Author’s identification. Contributors are asked to include a brief biographical note with their submissions including contact information (position, institution, email, etc.). All authors must provide their ORCID® (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). It can be obtained at: Link to register in ORCID ®

g. Extension. Full-length papers should be 45,000-90,000 characters long in arial font and fontsize 10 (including notes, references and Figures). The title should be no more 150 characters.

Authors must also include an abbreviated/short title with a maximum of 60 characters, which will appear in the headings of the even pages of the article and in the journal’s first page. Example: Short Title (max 60 charact.): City name (Country).

h. Abstract and Keywords. Your paper should begin with an abstract of about 700-900 characters that go into some detail about the methods, findings and conclusions of the paper and should allow users of these to make an informed decision as to whether your paper will be of relevance and interest to them. Four or five Keywords should also be included.

i. Other journal sections. For instruction in English for contributions to the Experiencias/Urban Practices or Reseñas y libros/Reviews and books please contact


Contains original, never-before-published papers that deal with the thematic areas of the journal.

Urban Practices

Short articles that present innovative urban practices, understood as specific projects that are already complete (or at least nearing completion) that incorporate innovative features of urban or spatial planning, urban regeneration, governance, urban design, etc.

Book Reviews

Reviews of publications. All the publications reviewed are available to the public in the Library of the Ministry of Development.

Privacy Statement

In compliance with current legislation, the names and email addresses provided by the authors, evaluators, subscribers, etc. to CyTET will exclusively be used for the purposes stated by the journal (preparation and evaluation of the journal, dissemination of the published issues and calls for proposals, organization of conferences related to urban and territorial topics, etc.) and will not be available for any other purpose or other person.

The personal data provided will be processed by the General Sub-Directorate of Urban Policies of the General Directorate of Architecture and Urban Agenda of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, for the purposes of the magazine, in accordance with article 6.1.e). of the General Data Protection Regulation. You can check the journal register in the Treatment Activities Register (RAT) on the website of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda:

To exercise the rights contained in the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, you can contact the Ministry directly through the Data Protection Officer (, from the electronic Office (, or any other means that allows the identity verification of the applicant. You can also send your queries to the Data Protection Delegate of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda through the following form: ( -personal / contact) and contact at any time with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.