Comparative study on education policy in health education in France and Spain

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Laura Monsalve Lorente


INTRODUCTION. Health education is a tool for a complete state of health for everyone. The incorporationof health education in the school curriculum ensures that this comprehensive state of wellbeingreaches everyone due to compulsory schooling. At a European level the educational and healthauthorities have opened a broad channel of action for the development of inclusion in schools. Ensuringthat everybody acquires a health culture is important and in this school plays a crucial role.METHOD. The most important aspect of the research is a comparative study on of health educationpolicies in schools in France and Spain. By analysing descriptive and analytical data comparable unitsare explained. Through the analysis of multiple variables related to the school curriculum for nurseryand compulsory secondary education, primary similarities and differences of the countries studied,and the results of the investigation are established. RESULTS. The results indicate that the countriesstudied have a political and educational legislation for health education, although some differences doexist. While the French school has integrated health education into their compulsory curriculum, inSpain health education is addressed cross-curricularly, leaving the decision to the centres themselvesand often in the hands of teachers. DISCUSSION. The school has the responsibility of integrating thepromotion of health education in the school curriculum and this means above all promoting the valueof health among all groups within the population and the school community. In order for this to occur,there must exist an educational policy and legislation in health education matters which provides anappropriate legal framework.


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How to Cite
Monsalve Lorente, L. (2014). Comparative study on education policy in health education in France and Spain. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 66(3), 91–103. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Laura Monsalve Lorente, Universitat de València

Profesora asociada de la Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universitat de València. Departamento de Educación Comparada e Historia de la Educación. Investigadora en la Unidad de Investigación en Política de la Educación. Profesora colaboradora de la Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad Católica de Valencia. Coordinadora del Máster de Educación en Salud Escolar de la Universidad Católica de Valencia. Líneas de investigación y docencia: Estudios políticos, comparados e históricos de la educación.