Methodologies of citizen participation with children and teenagers: an exploratory study on participatory budgeting in Spain

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Gonzalo Pardo-Beneyto
María Ángeles Abellán López


INTRODUCTION. With the emergence of participatory budgets as in Porto Alegre, public institutions have implemented similar dynamics to different topics and audiences. Among these groups boys, girls and teenagers can be found. OBJECTIVE. This paper analyzes a series of participatory experiences implemented in Spanish municipalities during a diverse time-span 2015-2021. METHOD. To collect the data an open-ended questionnaire was designed that UNICEF Spain distributed among the participants and those interested in the initiative of Friendly Towns for Childhood from July-September 2021. Finally, the researchers obtained 35 valid responses and treated them with the CAQDAS MAXQDA 2022 software, thus use a mixed research methodology Specifically, this study focused on the following variables for its characterization: Editions, Objectives, Strategy, Phases, and Participants. RESULTS. Among the findings the proliferation of experiences with multiple participations and the average development of the participative experiences are remarkable. In addition, there is a bias towards
instruments that exclusively promote participation over other values, such as education, training, or empowerment. DISCUSSION. Furthermore, this fact also highlights the importance given to the role of technicians and politicians in this process. The results of this research study may be useful for providing other types of evidence in this field of study beyond those available in this field of study and may generate an understanding of participatory budgets for children and adolescents.


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How to Cite
Pardo-Beneyto, G., & Abellán López, M. Ángeles. (2023). Methodologies of citizen participation with children and teenagers: an exploratory study on participatory budgeting in Spain. Bordon. Revista De Pedagogia, 75(2), 29–47.
Monográfico "Educación, esferas de participación y ciudadanía"
Author Biographies

Gonzalo Pardo-Beneyto, Universitat de València (España)

Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Alicante, Máster Universitario en Política y Democracia por la UNED y licenciado en Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración por la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. Sus investigaciones han abordado la innovación y la modernización en las instituciones públicas. Actualmente, es profesor ayudante doctor del Área de Ciencia Política y de la Administración de la Universitat de València.

María Ángeles Abellán López, Universitat de València (España)

Doctora en Derecho, premio extraordinario de doctorado por la Universidad de Alicante y licenciada en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología. Profesora en el Departamento de Sociología y Antropología Social e investigadora del Instituto Universitario de Creatividad e Innovaciones Educativas de la Universidad de Valencia. Su trayectoria investigadora ha sido reconocida por la ANECA. Entre sus líneas de investigación actuales destacan la gobernanza participativa, la gestión pública, la inclusión social y la educación democrática.


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