Participation in International Missions by Military Personnel: An Empirical Exploration of the Consequences on Family Dynamics
Army, military sociology, family, international missions, overseas deployments, work far away from home, qualitative and quantitative researchAbstract
This article examines the impact of long-term international missions on the family life of Spanish military personnel. The study employed a dual-methodological approach—qualitative and quantitative—implemented sequentially. In the first phase, interviews were conducted with 71 participants, including military personnel and their spouses. The quantitative phase involved an in-person survey with a representative sample of 1,582 military personnel, providing inferential capability for the target population. The analysis of qualitative narratives and survey results revealed strong consistency, lending substantial robustness to the findings. Among the key conclusions is that participation in international missions has a moderately negative and temporary impact on family dynamics. However, these missions cannot be directly attributed as the cause of marital breakdowns among military personnel involved in such deployments.
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