Does age matter? The well-being of migrant children in comparative perspective
acceptance, agency, well-being, age differences, migrant childrenAbstract
This article explores the subjective perceptions of well-being of migrant children attending primary school (9-14 years) and secondary school (15-18 years) in Slovenia. It focuses on how they conceptualise their fears, worries and concerns, what is important for them to feel accepted and safe, and how they think about their past and the future. Using a comparative perspective, similarities and differences in the experience of well-being of these two age groups of migrants are explored. The analysis is based on open-ended narrative interviews with migrant children and revolves around the question of whether and how age influences their subjective perception of well-being. The article sheds light on age-specific meanings and understandings of migration processes based on the views and experiences of migrant children and youth regarding their well-being, bringing to the fore the perspectives of children that are often missing or underrepresented in integration policy.
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