Images of suicide postvention in Spain: therapeutical metaphors, symbols, and discourses in survivor’s associations
Language, metaphor, postvention, suicide, therapyAbstract
Postvention —the care of relatives after a suicide— is an area that has been organised and developed with notable strength in recent years in Spain by survivors’ and professionals’ associations. Although their political influence is still moderate, the rise of these organisations represents a key factor in the articulation of strategies to control suicide behaviours, as recommended, among others, by the World Health Organisation. However, the interest of these associations lies not only in the civic problematisation of suicide, but also in community and extra-institutional therapeutic strategies to deal with it. Therefore, from a cultural-structural examination of therapy and a methodological approach from Visual Sociology and Semiotics, this paper observes the relevance of a particular and plastic use of language in the conformation of a “civic-therapeutic” framework by survivors' associations in Spain.
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