Urban Governance and Ecological Crisis: Narratives and Conflicts Surrounding the Sustainable Future of Cities


  • Marc Pradel-Miquel Universitat de Barcelona




governance, sustainability narratives, green growth, degrowth, ecological transition


This article examines how urban governance and models of economic development and social inclusion in European cities are being transformed in response to the environmental challenges posed by the ecological crisis, using the case of Barcelona as a starting point. The initial hypothesis is that starting from 2015, environmental issues have gained prominence on development agendas and citizen demands, although there is a growing conflict in defining the problem and its solutions. Through qualitative analysis of the city's strategic planning for the climate crisis, the article explores how within the same strategy, there are visions related to the green economy as well as more transformative approaches. These variations result not only from the political stances of different parties but also from the influencing power of climate movements on the agenda.

Author Biography

Marc Pradel-Miquel , Universitat de Barcelona

Departament de Sociología. Universitat de Barcelona


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How to Cite

Pradel-Miquel, M. (2024). Urban Governance and Ecological Crisis: Narratives and Conflicts Surrounding the Sustainable Future of Cities. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 33(1), a202. https://doi.org/10.22325/fes/res.2023.202