The challenges of rural welfare and mobility. Accessibility and socio-territorial peripheries after the crises
mobility, social inequality, territorial cohesion, rural gap, accessibilityAbstract
The successive crises (economic, health, geopolitical, and climate) that have occurred in the 21st century have increased the vulnerability of a rural world that must also face the challenges of aging and depopulation. If austerity policies had reinforced disparities among regions, then the subsequent pandemic collapse and the acceleration of digitalization have further widened the unequal access to opportunities, resources, and welfare services. It is an accumulation of processes that shape social and geographic peripheries, raising questions about their future. From the research carried out by means of qualitative field work based on in-depth interviews to experts and selected sociological profiles, we explored these impacts in representative remote rural mountain areas and rural peri-urban areas. The analysis reveals the role played by the erosion of welfare on socio-territorial vulnerability and the need to verify the mediation that mobility brings in the access to and provision of welfare.
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