The spatial heterogeneity of the effects of the great recession. The Contextual Influence of Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Spaces in Spain (2004-2017)


  • Clemente J. Navarro Yáñez Universidad Pablo de Olavide
  • María Jesús Rodríguez-García Universidad Pablo de Olavide
  • Ángel Ramón Zapata-Moya Universidad Pablo de Olavide



vulnerability, socio-spatial inequalities, metropolitan areas, contextual effects


This paper analyses the spatial heterogeneity of the effects of the Great Recession by comparing differences between metropolitan and non-metropolitan contexts in Spain. We use the Living Conditions Survey to analyse changes between pre- and post-recession periods in three aspects related to vulnerability (employment, deprivation and health). Multivariate analyses are used to distinguish the 'contextual effect' due to the place of residence from the influence of individual or household attributes. The analyses show increasing differences between the larger metropolitan areas and the other socio-spatial contexts analysed (smaller metropolitan areas and non-metropolitan areas). In particular, the analyses show favourable trends in employment and health for the former, but the opposite in household deprivation.

Author Biographies

Clemente J. Navarro Yáñez , Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Centro de Sociología y Políticas Locales y Departamento de Sociología. Universidad Pablo de Olavide

María Jesús Rodríguez-García , Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Centro de Sociología y Políticas Locales y Departamento de Sociología. Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Ángel Ramón Zapata-Moya , Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Centro de Sociología y Políticas Locales y Área de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública del Departamento de Antropología, Psicología Básica y Medicina Preventiva. Universidad Pablo de Olavide


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How to Cite

Navarro Yáñez, C. J., Rodríguez-García, M. J., & Zapata-Moya, Ángel R. (2024). The spatial heterogeneity of the effects of the great recession. The Contextual Influence of Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Spaces in Spain (2004-2017). Spanish Journal of Sociology, 33(1), a203.