The great transformation of economic power: Revolving doors, capital and directors in the Spanish public corporation’s network


  • Rubén Juste de Ancos Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



Interlocking directorates, elites, social network analysis, revolving doors, corporations


This article analyse the cohesion within economic power. The hypothesis is that the economic power is cohesive by social, political and economic elements, such as revolving doors from the State to the corporations, and common relations between corporations from shared members of boards of directors and common shareholders. In order to test this hypothesis, a sample with the thirty-five Spanish companies of the IBEX35 stock market index it’s been selected, for four different periods (1991, 2000, 2010, and 2013). Social network analysis has been applied in this study to address the division and cohesive factors of economic power in the different selected years. This research shows the importance of 2008 economic crisis, which lead to a reduction of corporation’s political ties and the decrease of directors who belonged simultaneously to more than one board of directors. In contrast, shareholders, and in particular international capital, become the main element of intermediation between all companies, to the detriment of the political and corporate ties that had dominated in previous periods.


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How to Cite

Juste de Ancos, R. (2023). The great transformation of economic power: Revolving doors, capital and directors in the Spanish public corporation’s network. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 32(2), a157.