Perception of the pandemic situation by the Spanish population


  • Manuel Docampo García Universidade da Coruña



Sociology of attitudes, pandemic, COVID-19, Denials, Sociology of health, Attitudinal groups


The objectives that guide this text are four: 1) Reconstruct the theoretical framework of the sociology of attitudes; 2) Identify the relevant attitudes that Spanish citizens held in the face of the pandemic; 3) Measure the weight or percentage of the population in each of them and, finally, 4) Characterize the sociological profile of each attitudinal type. To these, we add a complementary reflection or objective, referring to the validity and usefulness of these categories, beyond the context of the covid-19 pandemic among the Spanish population.


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How to Cite

Docampo García, M. (2023). Perception of the pandemic situation by the Spanish population. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 32(2), a161.