Denialist and anti-vaccination profiles among the Spanish population


  • María José López Rey Universidad de Extremadura



pandemic, COVID 19, anti-vaccination, coronavirus, denialism, vaccine reluctance


This paper focuses its interest on the denialist discourses around the COVID 19 pandemic, paying special attention to the population whose concern for the pandemic is nil or almost nil and those who are reluctant to vaccinate. The specific objective is to quantify and characterize the group that subscribes to these discourses, identifying their sociodemographic characteristics to put them in relation to the bases on which they articulate their argumentation. To achieve this objective, we propose a methodological triangulation exercise, combining primary and secondary data that are analysed with quantitative research techniques. The primary data is obtained from an survey, carried out on a sample of the adult Spanish population. The secondary data comes from various sources of information, mainly the CIS barometers, and these secondary data are complemented by those from other studies such as the one promoted by the FECyT, on attitudes towards vaccination, carried out in June 2020, or the study to monitor the behaviour of the population in the face of the pandemic launched by the WHO. 


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How to Cite

López Rey, M. J. (2023). Denialist and anti-vaccination profiles among the Spanish population. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 32(2), a165.