Crying photographs: content and discourse analysis of cancer images in Olatz Vázquez’s Instagram profile


  • Miguel Varela-Rodríguez Departamento de Sociología y Trabajo Social, Universidad de Valladolid
  • Miguel Vicente-Mariño Departamento de Sociología y Trabajo Social, Universidad de Valladolid



Visual communication of cancer, Instagram, Olatz Vázquez, sociology of health, visual sociology


This paper presents a mixed-methods study of Olatz Vázquez’s Instagram profile. Olatz, a journalist and photographer, died at the age of 27 from a stomach cancer. Through her photographs, she gave visibility to one of the most lethal cancer sites, which is also one of the least visible in digital social media. She represented cancer through black and white images that portray the physical and emotional cost of cancer, in a stark contrast with mainstream discourses that lean on positive images. Content analysis on Olatz’s photographs reveal visual discourses on (1) the representation of cancer; (2) the patient’s identity; (3) the patient’s responses to the illness; and (4) the importance of social support. The paper aims to build a repository of visual metaphors on cancer that can help give visibility to this cancer site and motivate a discussion on dominant visual discourses on cancer.


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How to Cite

Varela-Rodríguez, M., & Vicente-Mariño, M. (2022). Crying photographs: content and discourse analysis of cancer images in Olatz Vázquez’s Instagram profile. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 32(1), a149.