Changes in educative assortative mating and employment equilibria of couples in Spain
Couples, Employment, Reversal of the gender gap in education, SpainAbstract
The extension of dual-earner couples is a long-standing transformation that has focused the attention of the literature. But this extension has not been uniformed; there are several variants that depend on their educational composition and other labour market and household determinants. The aim of this article is to analyse these different balances adopted by couples in access to employment by sex in Spain: neither spouse works, only the woman (female-specialization), only the man (male-specialization), both works. The results reveal marked gender differences in these achievements: while higher education and relative resources favour male specialisation, this mechanism does not work equally well for women. Dual employment is more prevalent and stable, but care and child-rearing responsibilities continue to harm women's employability. Family policies show a positive influence, albeit limited to contexts where economic expansion and spending on family policies coexist.
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