The explanatory factor of sexual orientation in political and electoral behavior in Spain (2016-2021)


  • José María Ramírez Dueñas Departamento de Sociología I: Teoría, Metodología y Cambio Social. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)



Sexual orientation, electoral participation, voting, ideological identification, Spain


Sociological research on the effects of sexual orientation on political behavior and electoral attitudes has been limited; in Spain, even non-existent. In this article, in the context of increasing analyzes of the importance of identity processes in voting, it is intended to analyze the impact of sexual orientation on three issues: 1) political participation, 2) ideology and 3) partisan identification of LGBA+ people (lesbian, gay, bisexual and other sexual orientations); and if there are significant differences with heterosexual individuals. Based on two surveys by the Spanish Sociological Research Center (2016 and 2021), the results confirm that LGBA + people participate more electorally, are positioned to the left of the ideological axis, and are more likely to vote for progressive parties. Accordingly, the present work highlights the importance of sexual orientation in social research and shows that these differences between heterosexual and non-heterosexual can be decisive in our electoral campaigns and political systems.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Dueñas, J. M. (2022). The explanatory factor of sexual orientation in political and electoral behavior in Spain (2016-2021). Spanish Journal of Sociology, 31(4), a135.