From dysfunctions to sexual problems at elderly: the breakdown of medical knowledge from a generational comparison
sociology of health, sociology of sexuality, sexual dysfunction, ageism, genderAbstract
In health institutions, sexual dysfunctions are the central axis of sexual health programs for the elderly. From the sociological point of view, two approaches can be distinguished: one based on the biomedical model that conceives them as diseases; and in opposition to this, another one that uses the term "sexual problem" by adopting the biopsychosocial model. The conceptualization of sexual dysfunctions and problems in the Spanish population is explored in this paper. A generational and gender analysis is carried out using the National Sexual Health Survey (ENSS, 2009). This survey is representative for the whole Spanish population. The results show that sexual discomfort is experienced throughout the life course and is not exclusive to old age. The reproductive sexual model, promoted by biomedical institutions, causes sexual discomfort by restricting sexual practices to sexual intercourse and by constraining the expression of sexual desire and pleasure.
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