Los esquemas de rentas mínimas en Europa y el Ingreso Mínimo Vital (IMV)





minimum income schemes, poverty


The article presents a reading on the debates around the minimum income schemes (MIS) and the concept of poverty from the sociological point of view. It indicates the way in which the minimum income schemes have developed in Europe and what have been the common and distinctive elements according to their evolution over time, with particular attention to the role developed by the European Union. The Ingreso Minimo Vital (IMV) is described by comparing it with other experiences in other countries and analyzes its elements of strength and of weakness.

Author Biography

Lluis Francesc Peris-Cancio , Sapienza University of Rome

Guest lecturer - Department of Social and Economic Sciences Sapienza University of Rome


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How to Cite

Peris-Cancio, L. F. (2021). Los esquemas de rentas mínimas en Europa y el Ingreso Mínimo Vital (IMV). Spanish Journal of Sociology, 30(2), a45. https://doi.org/10.22325/fes/res.2021.45