Strategic generations and political change: the generation of young anti-Franco dictatorship and its impact on the 15M movement in Cantabria




strategic generation, youth activism, political socialization, political culture, 15M movement., strategic generation, youth activism, political socialization, political culture, 15M movement


This article seeks to elucidate whether the political generation of young anti-Franco activists -which would become strategic due to its influence on the political change that took place during the Spanish Transition to Democracy period- was also strategic in the 15-M movement. To this end, qualitative research has been carried out in Cantabria, using the methods of thematic life history and documentary analysis. The data obtained from the sample selected has demonstrated their participation  in the 15M movement, although not with the relevance of a strategic generation.This result could be explained by the life clycle effect or by the existence of different ways of experiencing activism by two generations (that of the young Transition period activists and that of the young 15M activists), which become politically socialised in two very distinct contexts, with the first being in dictatorship and the second one in democracy.

Author Biography

Rosa María Barreda Rey , Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Licenciada en Derecho (1990) Universidad de Cantabria. Licenciada en Antropología Social y Cultural (2010) UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia). Máster Interuniversitario en Análisis de Problemas Sociales (2015) UNED. Actualmente, es doctoranda en la UNED, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología, Departamento de Sociología III (Tendencias Sociales), Programa de Doctorado en Análisis de Problemas Sociales, bajo la dirección de la profesora María Jesús Funes Rivas.


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How to Cite

Barreda Rey, R. M. (2021). Strategic generations and political change: the generation of young anti-Franco dictatorship and its impact on the 15M movement in Cantabria. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 31(1), a90.