Reflections on the accessibility of the foreign population in the national minimum income programs: a comparative approach




Minimum living income, minimum income programs, poverty, migrations


The article proposes an analysis on the expectations concerning the accessibility of foreign people to Spanish minimum income programs and intends to fuel the debate on the impacts that the latest introduction of the Ingreso Mínimo Vital (Minimum Living Income) may have on foreign citizens living in Spain. A cross-country comparison among Germany, France, Italy and Spain has been carried out in order to ascertain differences and similarities in living conditions, poverty risks, social exclusion and effective accesses to minimum income schemes among native and foreign populations in the four selected countries. Some key factors to enlarge the inclusiveness of minimum incomes schemes in Spain result from the outcomes. 

Author Biography

Lluis Francesc Peris-Cancio , Sapienza Università di Roma,

Guest lecturer - Department of Social and Economic Sciences Sapienza University of Rome


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How to Cite

Peris-Cancio, L. F. (2021). Reflections on the accessibility of the foreign population in the national minimum income programs: a comparative approach. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 30(2), a50.