Democracy and Creativity. The New Horizon of Politics in the Twenty-First Century


  • Juan María Sánchez Prieto I-COMMUNITAS: Institute for Advanced Social Research, Universidad Pública de Navarra



democracy, creativity, biotecnology, algorithm, performance, postruth, leadership, awareness, resilience, COVID-19


Since 2008 we face a change in the political climate. Is it possible to reinvent democracy or are we bounded to face a new postdemocratic political turn? The national populism reveals a crisis of confidence in the future, the strenght of a dramatic presentism, the tyranny of here and now, where the us goes first, where infiltrates a postruth being able to manufacture not now a myth, a useful lie, a fiction, but a new general will apart from the social contract. The consolidation of hiperleaders with great difficulties to understand a type of limited power who reduce politics into a simple performative short-term game can paradoxically strengthen the sovereignty of the algorithm as a new source of authority in a sort of digital tyranny. The development of human consciousness is indispensable for a democratic revival as the crisis of the COVID-19 has shown us. We have to move towards self-aware and resilient forms of democracy. Freedom is an aware self-limitation. Also it is necessary a compassionate openness to forms of human and social suffering. The present moment is in need of leaderships and governments more reflexive and resilient, being able to combine the own´s liberty with the other´s liberty and with the liberty of those to come, with the future generations. The young generation must engage herself in the defense of democracy as already is in ecological issue.

Author Biography

Juan María Sánchez Prieto , I-COMMUNITAS: Institute for Advanced Social Research, Universidad Pública de Navarra

Juan María Sánchez-Prieto. Doctor en Historia, es Profesor Titular de Sociología en la Universidad Pública de Navarra, y está acreditado por la ANECA como Catedrático de Universidad. Es además director de I-COMMUNITAS: Institute for Advanced Social Research (UPNA). Su investigación está centrada en el campo de las ideologías y las representaciones colectivas, entendidas en el marco más amplio de las culturas políticas y la performatividad social. Junto a numerosos artículos de revista y contribuciones a obras colectivas, es autor de los libros El imaginario vasco (Barcelona, 1993), La España plural  (Bilbao, 1999) y Navarra: memoria, política e identidad (Pamplona, 2005), este último en colaboración con José Luis Nieva. Es autor asimismo de dos extensos estudios sobre las figuras de Donoso Cortés (2003) y Alcalá Galiano (2008). Ha coordinado también dos volúmenes de referencia: uno en la Revista Anthropos (núm. 223, 2009) sobre Reinhart Koselleck y la investigación de la historia conceptual; y otro en la revista Arbor del CSIC (Vol. 194, núm. 787, 2018) sobre "El 68: mito y crítica", con ocasión del cincuentenario.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Prieto, J. M. (2021). Democracy and Creativity. The New Horizon of Politics in the Twenty-First Century. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 30(1), a08.