Financing, legalization and quality in 24-hour care in old age in Germany: perspectives and interests




24-hours care, old age, Germany, migration, financing, legalizing


The 24-hour care market for old age care in Germany is a complex sector where the lack of legalization and regularization has resulted in a system with a large share of irregular employment and semi-legal practices by intermediary agencies. Until now, the German government has largely tolerated this development, closing its eyes to irregular employment and violations of labor and social rights in German homes. This article sheds light on this system through the analysis of the perspectives and interests of several actors involved in perpetuating the 24-hour care market: families, private brokerage agencies and welfare associations. The article is based on the analysis of qualitative data collected with these different actors in the framework of the project “Emergence and Significance of Transnational Care Arrangements (ESTRANCA)”.

Author Biography

Vincent Horn , Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Investigador Postdoctoral en el Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad Johannes Gutenberg de Mainz, Alemania. Especializado en el estudio del envejecimiento transnacional, ha llevado a cabo investigaciones sobre personas mayores en familias transnacionales en Perú y España y sobre el cuidado a largo en Alemania. Entre sus libros más recientes se destacan Aging Within Transnational Families: The Case of Older Peruvians (New York, Anthem Press, 2019) y Transnational Aging: Current Insights and Future Challenges (London & New York, Routledge, 2015).


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How to Cite

Horn, V. (2021). Financing, legalization and quality in 24-hour care in old age in Germany: perspectives and interests. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 30(1), a13.