Innovation: A sociological perspective




innovation, sociology, culture, institutions, social structure, organizations



 This article offers an account of the sociological perspective on innovation. It outlines a set of useful tools for studying the relationship between innovation and major social dimensions. It is intended as a contribution to the interdisciplinary field of innovation studies by means of a series of concepts and explanatory mechanisms presented in a systematic way. Firstly, some limitations of the current innovation literature when studying social phenomena are discussed. Second, an explanation of the meaning of innovation from the assumptions of the sociological perspective is proposed. Third, the article analyses the relationships between innovation and the main dimensions of culture (values, norms, cognitive repertories and institutions) and social structure (social class, occupational structure, social networks and organizations).

Author Biography

Manuel Fernández-Esquinas , Instituto de Estudios Sociales Avanzados, CSIC

es científico titular del CSIC. Ha trabajado como sociólogo aplicado y consultor de políticas de innovación para varios gobiernos y organismos internacionales. Investiga sobre la organización de los sistemas de I+D y las estructuras sociales de la innovación. Ha publicado numerosos artículos en revistas como Higher Education, Science and Public Policy y Technological Forecasting and Social Change, entre otras, y en editoriales como Routledge, Edward Elgar y CIS. En la actualidad es presidente de la Federación Española de Sociología y coordinador de la red de investigación “Southern European Societies” de la European Sociological Association.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Esquinas, M. (2020). Innovation: A sociological perspective. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 29(3 - Sup1), 5–37.


