The extension of social policies under centre-right and right-wing governments in Latin America: towards an analytical framework




Extension of social policies, right-wing governments, electoral competition, strategic adaptation, Latin America


Since the mid-nineties, an extension of social policies was deployed in Latin America. Although part of the literature attributes such extension to left-wing governments, both centre-right and right-wing goverments also had a contribution. This paper aims at opening up the debate on Latin American right wing social policies. The goal is to discuss the possible reasons for the extension of social policies as well as to suggest an analytical framework that emphasizes topics such as the relevance of electoral competition, the strategic adaptation of political parties or the cost-benefit assessment of maintaining or expanding social policies.

Author Biography

Rossana Castiglioni , Universidad Diego Portales

Doctora en Ciencia Política por la Universidad de Notre Dame, (EE.UU). Es profesora Asociada de Ciencia Política de la Universidad Diego Portales (Chile). Ha sido profesora visitante del Kellogg Institute for International Studies y de las Universidades de Harvard, Leiden y Oxford.  Sus áreas de investigación son la política social, la representación democrática y la política comparada de América Latina.    


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How to Cite

Castiglioni, R. (2020). The extension of social policies under centre-right and right-wing governments in Latin America: towards an analytical framework. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 29(3 - Sup2), 179–188.


