Political power in Spain


  • Xavier Coller
  • Antonio M. Jaime
  • Fabiola Mota




political elites, parliaments, representation, political vocation, parliamentary activity


The study of political institutions in general, and particularly in Spain, has devoted limited attention to the analysis of political elites, although there is a growing interest in recent times. However, the decisions that emanate from representative institutions are conditioned by the profiles, preferences and dispositions of the individuals in positions of authority. That is why a systematic analysis of the Spanish political elites is necessary, especially in times of widespread political disaffection. Based on data collected in an original study, this paper analyzes the fundamental characteristics of political representatives in the autonomous and national chambers in Spain, their political preferences, the ideas they have about the problem of political disaffection, the origins of their political vocation and the way in which parliamentary activity takes place within parliaments. 


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How to Cite

Coller, X., Jaime, A. M., & Mota, F. (2019). Political power in Spain. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 28(3). https://doi.org/10.22325/fes/res.2019.16