Environmental Behavior in Europe. An Analysis of Collaborative Consumption


  • Álvaro Suárez-Vergne Universidad Complutense de Madrid.




Environmental behavior, ecological behavior, collaborative awareness, collaborative consumption


Contradictions between statements of values and behaviors are common when discussing environmental issues. This research investigates environmental practices at the European level. In order to explain pro-environmental practices, we include factors that go beyond environmental awareness, on the basis of the idea that environmental behaviors do not have to come only from an ecological perspective. In addition to observing external conditions, this research explores the possible influence of the phenomenon known as the collaborative consumption, a practice that closely ties together ecological practices and collaborative activities. An analysis of secondary data extracted from ISSP and Eurostat will take place. The results involve a rethinking of ecological practices, which cannot be considered only as a result of ecological values, neither constitute a form of collaborative consumption. The results also highlight the importance of collective factors as influential variables worth considering.


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How to Cite

Suárez-Vergne, Álvaro. (2018). Environmental Behavior in Europe. An Analysis of Collaborative Consumption. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 27(3). https://doi.org/10.22325/fes/res.2018.29