Migration and social mobility: An approach from the assets accumulation strategies of latin american population in Spain


  • Laura Suárez-Grimalt Departamento de Sociología. Universidad de Barcelona




Social mobility strategies, Asset Accumulation, Transnationalism, Latin-American Migration, ENI 2007


The aim of this project is to analyse the asset accumulation strategies and their implications on the social mobility of Latin-American migrants in a transnational space. On the basis of the Asset Accumulation Model (Moser, 2007), we aim to identify the main factors that determine the capital investment strategies of the LatinAmerican population, and to further study how the interaction between these strategies explain the social mobility trajectories. For this purpose, we use data obtained from the 2007 National Immigrant Survey in Spain (ENI 2007). Our results show that, apart from the classical occupational indexes, other factors such as financial capital and social capital play an equally important role in the transnational social mobility processes. In summary, these results highlight the complexity of the geographical and social mobility strategies of Latin-American migrants.

Author Biography

Laura Suárez-Grimalt , Departamento de Sociología. Universidad de Barcelona

Estudiante de doctorado y becaria FPU en el departamento de Sociología de la Universidad de Barcelona. Es especialista en técnicas de investigación social y migraciones internacionales, y ha formado parte de varios proyectos competitivos de investigación financiados por organismos oficiales (FEM2011-26210, SEJ2007- 63179). Actualmente participa como investigadora en la red europea “Global Trends in Social Inequalities in Europe and Latin America and exploring innovative ways to reduce them through life, occupational, and educational trajectories research to face uncertainly (INCASI GA-691004)”, financiada en el marco del programa H2020. Sus líneas de investigación se centran en el impacto del capital social en las trayectorias migratorias; el papel de la variable religión en la configuración de redes transnacionales; y las estrategias de movilidad social de la población latinoamericana en España, especialmente en lo que se refiere a la migración de origen brasileño.



How to Cite

Suárez-Grimalt, L. (2017). Migration and social mobility: An approach from the assets accumulation strategies of latin american population in Spain. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 26(3). https://doi.org/10.22325/fes/res.2017.27