Fascination for Fashion as an Expression of Freedom


  • Joan Jiménez Gómez Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (España)


fashion, capitalism, consumption, freedom.


The socio-economic context of the beginning of 21st century is characterized by the persistence of disparities between social classes and countries (when not increasing), as well as by the accentuation of the uncertainties and institutional turbulence. Two powerful trends that have led to a reaction contrasted in citizenship. Therefore, far from to experience their usual practice of consumption, now it wanders main shopping malls and plazas waiting that welfare, real or perceived, does not end by disappear entirely. In fact, while technological advances applied to the processes of production, new types of management and distribution, as well as economic changes and market, served at the time for stamping different patterns and ways of living with the excuse of merit (through consumption) a greater status of freedom, now, with the crisis of the post-industrial model, this ideal has vanished. The logic of continuous change has become out of reach despite the low cost. And fashion phenomenon champion which served to transgress standardized codes but which, in turn, standardize, no longer works. Neither glamorous nor its design are sufficient. Why is relevant to provide arguments to discuss whether or not the multiple elections which requires modern consumption are practices of freedom.



How to Cite

Jiménez Gómez, J. (2011). Fascination for Fashion as an Expression of Freedom. Spanish Journal of Sociology, (16). Retrieved from https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/res/article/view/65268