Culture as a Dimension of Globalization: A new Challenge for Sociology


  • Gerhard Steingress Universidad de Sevilla


The present article underwrites the absolute necessity of social realism in sociology. It introduces the concept of «transcultural hybridization» as the most adequate analytical and interdisciplinary instrument for explaining a whole series of socio-cultural phenomena as they have emerged from the process of globalization and the postmodern condition. Based at one and the same time on the cognitive and ethical conditions of a «reflexive modernity» and on the analytical value of concepts such as «acculturation», «interculturality»,«multiculturality» and «transculturality», it is argued that to introduce the concept of «transcultural hybridization» necessarily entails a revision of all the categories that have to date been used to explain the socio-cultural dynamics in the era of globalization. Specifically it is emphasized that unless traditional explanatory categories be revised, it will not be possible to fruitfully analyze either cultural change (heretofore explained as the result of modernization defined in terms of industrialization) or the emergence of the national state (heretofore explained as the social and political framework of advanced societies).

Author Biography

Gerhard Steingress, Universidad de Sevilla

Profesor titular de sociología en la Universidad de Sevilla. Ha sido profesor en la Universidad de Klagenfurt (Austria) entre 1974 y 1989. Tras la tesis acerca de la relación entre reproducción social y política educativa (1980), se habilitó en 1988 con un estudio sobre la influencia del irracionalismo en el pensamiento político moderno. Desde 1990 reside en Sevilla. Numerosas publicaciones dedicadas a la etnosociología, el nacionalismo, la música popular, especialmente el flamenco (premio de investigación, 1991), como fenómeno socio-cultural e ideológico, la etnomusicología, la sociología de la cultura y el arte, así como la globalización y postmodernidad.



How to Cite

Steingress, G. (2008). Culture as a Dimension of Globalization: A new Challenge for Sociology. Spanish Journal of Sociology, (2). Retrieved from


