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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Papers submitted to other sections of the journal ("Debates", "Reviews", "Special Sections") will be discussed directly by the Editorial Team and the Editorial Board following a peer review criteria.
  • The full title of the manuscript, the abbreviated title, the key words and the summary in Spanish and English are included.
  • The summary is adjusted to the rules of publication in terms of number of words and it consists of objectives, design and methods, results, conclusions and / or discussion.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the Author's Guidelines, which appear in About the journal.
  • If submitted to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring an anonymous evaluation should be followed.
  • The manuscript responds to the structure required in the publication norms and the section to which it is addressed.
  • The conclusions are based on the results obtained.
  • In its case, the system of units used has been revised (follow the Anglo-Saxon decimal numbering system to use the point to separate decimals).
  • The abbreviations are detailed after your first appointment in the text.
  • Where appropriate, informed consent for experimentation with humans or animals, as well as permission to reproduce images, are attached to the manuscript.
  • The submission includes a letter of presentation indicating originality, novelty of the work and section of the journal to which it is addressed signed by the authors, being responsible for the authorship.
  • The submission includes a letter of transfer of copyright to the editor.

Author Guidelines

The RES publishes scientific papers following the Peer Review system in the evaluation of manuscripts, under criteria of strict excellence and universal, anonymous and competent evaluation procedures. The areas covered by the journal include all the scientific aspects of special relevance related to the sociological study of the current situation and the change of social structures and institutions, as well as the practices, behaviors and processes that shape social reality. The RES devotes special attention to the comparative studies on the problems that affect the societies of Spain, Latin America and the countries of Southern Europe. The journal is published in printed and electronic format. It includes monographic sections, debates, reviews, states of knowledge and is open to the publication of monographic issues. It publishes three regular issues a year (January, May and September) and contemplates the publication of extra numbers. The languages of the RES are Spanish and English (it is possible to evaluate articles in any of the official languages of the Spanish State).


Articles. Original scientific papers both empirical or theoretical, in the field of sociology. The maximum length is 10,000 words including tables, figures, footnotes and references.

Research Notes. Short scientific texts, preferably empirical, whose maximum length is 5,000 words, including tables, graphics, footnotes and references.
Articles and research notes submitted for publication enter into a double-blind peer review system.

Review essays. The RES includes a section on reviews (usually books, but they can focus on surveys, reports and other publications). These should not be longer than 2,500 words. At the head of the text you should specify the author, title, publisher, place and date of the reviewed publication. The Editorial Team of RES has the exclusive power to order the reviews from members of the sociological community. Only commissioned reviews will be published.

Debates and special sections. The RES has space for a variety of content dedicated to new areas of knowledge and texts of particular relevance to readers. One is the Debates section, which consists of invited members of the sociological community who provide expert opinions regarding the latest issues in sociology today. The debates will be commissioned by the Editorial Team and a coordinator. Texts should be no longer than 5000 words and are subject by peer review by members of the Editorial Board.

Monographic sections. In the RES it is possible to publish monographic sections with limited space (up to four items), subject to peer review. The Monographic sections are dedicated to disseminating research on issues of social relevance, especially those made by groups belonging to the Spanish Federation of Sociology and its Research Committees. This section is also open to proposals from the sociological community. For more detailed information on the process of coordinating a special issue, interested parties should contact the editorial team of the RES at;

Special issues. In the RES it is possible to publish special issues subject to peer review. Acceptance of a special issue is on the condition of financing the extra cost of editing for the journal. To this end the possibility of co-financing by the coordinators or research groups that promote a special issue will be studied. For more detailed information on the process of coordination and peer review of a special issue, interested parties should contact the editorial team of the RES at:

The editorial team can arrange expressions of interest or calls for papers to capture items in their monographs or monographic sections on topics of sociological relevance.


Preselection. The original, anonymous version will be studied by at least two members of the management team or the Editorial Board, who shall verify the adequacy of the manuscript, its adaptation to the rules of publishing and its overall quality. Manuscripts will be excluded f rom the process if the content is alien to sociology, it lacks the structure of an academic text or does not meet publication standards (see Format and length of articles). The authors of manuscripts that do not pass this selection will be notified of that fact

External evaluation. The articles that pass the preselection will be evaluated by at least two experts outside the Editorial Team, anonymously. These reviewers will issue a reasoned opinion on the scientific quality of the texts and will report, recommending publication, with or without modification, or rejection.

Decision on publication. The Editorial Board will decide on publication taking into account the reports of the external evaluators and using, in the case of any doubt, the advice of the Editorial Board or the Advisory Board. The decision, with reasons, will be communicated to the authors as quickly as possible. Together with the adapted resolution, the authors will receive the observations f rom the anonymous external evaluators.

Corrections to the final texts. The authors of publishable originals needing to be modified have two weeks to communicate if they agree to make the changes. Subsequently, the Editorial Board will assign a date to submit the revised text. The revised text will be accompanied by an explanation on a separate note of the changes. The Editorial Team will consider the text in view of these modifications, if necessary resorting to the advice of the Editorial Board or the Advisory Board.

Papers submitted to other sections of the magazine ("Debates", "Reviews", "Special Sections") will be evaluated directly by the Editorial Team and the Editorial Board following a peer review criteria.


1.Submission of originals to the Spanish Journal of Sociology

  • Sending an original to the RES constitutes acceptance of their editorial standards and evaluation of the work adopting the scope and coverage of the journal. 
  • Contributions can be sent on-line through the electronic application of RES enabled on the website of the Spanish Federation of Sociology. It is not permitted in any case the submission or shipping through another procedure.
  • Once registered, the author must select the section of the journal to which he wishes to send his manuscript, and proceed to include the requested information in the different menus that are opened (the usual ones in the Open Journal Systems system). On the first page of the menu, a series of sections must be completed, specifically a check list of the shipment; cession of rights; and, if desired, suggestions from reviewers, although the journal reserves the right to take into consideration the proposed names.
  • An anonymized version of the manuscript will be added as the main document. Authors are asked to be very strict when eliminating personal information, also checking the information that appears on the form under the link "guarantee an anonymous review".
  • Next, in the following screen, the author / authors of the manuscript will be asked for a series of fundamental metadata for the future indexing of the article in databases. The metadata requested will be the following: data of the authors; title and summary; indexing data, funding agencies and bibliographic references. The following issues should be taken into account:
    1. The title should be concise and informative. Avoid abbreviations, quotes and use of formulas whenever possible.
    2. It must be clearly indicated who will be the author responsible for the correspondence at all times during the evaluation, publication and post-publication process. This responsibility includes future questions about the methodology and data used in the article. Make sure that the e-mail and contact details are correctly updated. It is also required to include the name of the center or institute in the original language.
  • Finally, a series of complementary files will be attached, which will be the following:
    1. Document 1: Main text. Non-anonymized version of the manuscript in which titles, abstracts and key words are included in both English and Spanish, in addition to the authors' data (name, institutional affiliation and email address). It should include acknowledgments, funding and a brief biographical note (no more than 150 words). The RES reserves the right to publish said biographical note in full or summary version.
    2. Document 3 (optional): Graphics and images. In cases where it is necessary, a document with the original files of the graphics or images that are desired in the manuscript will be attached, and which must follow the editorial norms of the RES (see more information in point 3).

2. Journal languages

  • The RES publishes articles in the Spanish and English languages.
  • It is possible to request the evaluation of original manuscripts in English, Portuguese and French and in any of the official languages of the Autonomous Communities of the Spanish State, offering authors the possibility of translating their articles once they have been approved for publication. In any case, the authors should be responsible for the translation of the article into Spanish or English once it has been evaluated.
  • The on-line edition of the journal offers the possibility of publishing the bilingual version of the article in English and Spanish, always subject to the technical and economic possibilities of the journal.
  • All texts in English must be reviewed or translated by an accredited professional (if necessary, recognition of the translation or revision work may appear in the "Acknowledgments" section).La RES no realiza corrección de textos en inglés. Aquellos textos en inglés que no acrediten su corrección serán devueltos a los autores. Para los textos escritos originalmente por un nativo en inglés, será el autor el que se encargue de la corrección de estilo, ortografía y puntuación en el texto original y en las pruebas en PDF.

RES does not perform correction of texts in English. Those texts in English that do not prove their correction will be returned to the authors. For texts originally written by a native speaker in English, the author will be responsible for correcting style, spelling and punctuation in the original text and in the PDF tests

3. Format and length of articles

  • Texts will have a maximum of 10,000 words including tables, figures, footnotes and references. Research notes and debates will have a maximum of 5000 words, also including tables, graphics, footnotes and references.
  • Articles and Research Notes should include an Abstract between 100 y 150 words, and five keywords (Keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3...)
  • Regarding the style of the text of the submitted manuscript, it must:
  1. a) Use Times New Roman 12pt, double space.
  2. b) Do not use justified text.
  3. c) Do not indent the beginning of paragraphs.
  4. d) All abbreviations are explained the first time they are mentioned.
  • The various sections of the text should not be numbered and be written as follows:
  1. (A) SHIFT BOLD, space above and below
  2. (B) Bold Lowercase, space above and below
  3. (C) Bold and Italic lowercase, space above the text begins after a space
  • All tables and figureswill be numbered correctly (Arabic numerals for tables and figures).
    1. Figures must be sent within a single file (in its original format: excel, jpg, tif, png, avi, pdf, ... in black and white) with the highest quality (300dpi).
    2. They must have a concise title and be properly numbered (Roman numerals for tables and figures).
    3. The the body of the text must indicate where each image will be placed with the [FIGURE 1 HERE]
    4. Legend of tables and figures: Figure 1 Table title (Times New Roman, size 11)
    5. Source:  The source (Times New Roman, size 11)
  • Authors are responsible for obtaining the appropriate permission to reproduce material (text, tables or figures) from other publications or other sources (libraries, archives ...) and properly cite sources in the following way at the foot of the image : © [Possessor of Rights].
  •  Tables  should be inserted in the text
    1. Legend of tables: Table 1: Table title
    2. Source: The source
  • Text notes Texts that do not conform to the format of the journal will be returned to their authors to make the appropriate changes.
  • Acknowledgements and references to funding research on the published works will be included on the first page of the article in a separate paragraph.
  • Important Note:  Los textos que no se ajusten al formato de la revista serán devueltos a sus autores para que hagan los oportunos cambios.


4. Quotations and bibliographic references

    • The journal uses the APA (American Psychological Association) citation system.
      1. Citations of a single author are indicated in brackets: the author's surname, followed by the year and the publication page if published. Eg (Simon, 1945)
      2. If the author's name or date appear as part of the narrative, cite only missing information in brackets. Eg Simon (1945) argued that
      3. Quotes from multiple authors: Documents with two authors are cited by their first names joined by "and" (Leiter and Maslach, 1998). For documents with more than two authors, the citation indicating only the first author followed by abbreviated Example "et al." Kahneman et al. (1991)
    • APA referencing system
    • The references are inserted at the end of the text following the alphabetical order of the authors, except in the case of books indicate the first and last pages.
    • Its structure must be as follows:
    1. Libros:
      Thomas, W. I., Znaniecki, F. (1984). The Polish Peasant in Europe and America. Chicago: University of Illinois Press.

    2.  Artículo de Revista:
      Un solo autor:
      Granovetter, M. (1973). The Strength of Weak Ties. American Journal of Sociology, 78(6), 1360-1380. Knights, D., Willmott, H. (1989). Power and subjectivity at work: From degradation to subjugation in social relations. Sociology, 23 (4), 535-558.
      Van Vugt, M., Hogan, R., Kaiser, R. B. (2008). Leadership, followership, and evolution: Some lessons from the past. American Psychologist63(3), 182-196.

    3. Capítulo de libro:
      Labajo, J. (2003). Body and voice: The construction of gender in flamenco. En T. Magrini (Ed.), Music and gender: perspectives from the Mediterranean (pp. 67-86). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

      d) Documentos digitales:
      Spencer, H. (2001). The Sociology of Herbert Spencer (en línea). http://www.spencer/info/sociology/opus5.pdf, acceso 1 de Abril de 2011.

  • The authors of the original literature must adapt their model to the APA. Texts that do not conform to this format will be returned to their authors to make the appropriate changes.

5. Proofreading

The author whose contribution has been accepted will receive the proofs in PDF format. They will be sent to the email address of the author in question. A period of 7 days is given for correction. It is the responsibility of the author to consult emails. If no response within the deadline set is received it shall be deemed that the author has nothing to correct. Only minimal adjustments to the content of the original manuscript are accepted without incurring further evaluation. 

6. Copyright

All rights of use of published works will be perpetually held by the Spanish Federation of Sociology FES. The texts can not be published in any form, printed or electronic, except with express authorization from the FES, quoting its source. The FES may disseminate by any means, print or electronic, arrange for consultation online, paper printing or downloading of files. Authors retain the copyright of their work, Personal websites can always refer to the publication in the RES and add the link to the website of the RES.

Números monográficos

La Revista Española de Sociología (RES), como parte de su política editorial, contempla la edición de números monográficos (special issues) dedicados a temas de interés social y actualidad sociológica. El objetivo de los números monográficos de la RES es reunir un conjunto de artículos de investigación que aumenten el conocimiento de un tema relevante para la disciplina tanto teórica como empíricament.

Cada número monográfico se realiza en coedición entre el equipo o institución que lo promueve y la Federación Española de Sociología (FES). Para obtener información más detallada consultar el apartado: propuestas de números monográficos.


Original scientific papers both empirical or theoretical, in the field of sociology. The maximum length is 10,000 words including tables, figures, footnotes and references.

Research Notes

Short scientific texts, preferably empirical, whose maximum length is 5,000 words, including tables, graphics, footnotes and references.


The RES has space for a variety of content dedicated to new areas of knowledge and texts of particular relevance to readers. One is the Debates section, which consists of invited members of the sociological community who provide expert opinions regarding the latest issues in sociology today. The debates will be commissioned by the Editorial Team and a coordinator. Texts should be no longer than 5000 words and are subject by peer review by members of the Editorial Board.

Special Sections

The RES has space for a variety of content dedicated to new areas of knowledge and texts of particular relevance to readers.

Review Essays

The RES includes a section on reviews (usually books, but they can focus on surveys, reports and other publications). These should not be longer than 2,500 words. At the head of the text you should specify the author, title, publisher, place and date of the reviewed publication. The Editorial Team of RES has the exclusive power to order the reviews from members of the sociological community. Only commissioned reviews will be published.

Privacy Statement

In accordance with the provisions of Article 5 from Organic Law 15/1999, dated 13th December, concerning the Protection of Personal Data, we wish to inform you that personal information provided to the journals to which FECYT provides access is included in a file belonging to the journal RES. Revista Española de Sociología. It is possible to check each journal’s purpose in the section “about/contact”.

We also inform you that FECYT acts as data processor for each of the files owned by the journals. Thereof, FECYT facilitates the exercise of your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, according to the terms described in Spanish Law on the Protection of Personal Data, by contacting the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology headquarters located at C/ Pintor Velázquez nº 5 - Edificio Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, 28100 Alcobendas (Madrid).

Disclaimer and privacy policy available following this link