Information and communication technologies in schools


  • Mª Dolores Fernández Tilve Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • Mª Laura Malvar Méndez Universidad de Vigo


Lately, a number of important changes are taking place in our society as a consequence of the ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies). As a result, nowadays is not surprising to hear about the so-called “Information Society”. Schools, as part of this social framework, cannot ignore these changes.
With this work, we precisely would like to unveil the role of the New Technologies applied to schools. At the same time, we present the results obtained in an exploratory study conducted in Galicia (our Autonomous Community), concretely at the Galician province of Pontevedra. We hope that our findings and reflections will contribute to a better knowledge of the integration of ICTs within the school context.


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